Our History

Prof. Charles Ibingira
Background to the School
Crested Secondary School Started in 1995 and it is registered with the Ministry of Educattion and Sports, with an Examination Centre for both ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels.
The School is built on a strong science foundation and most of her graduates enroll for popular science based courses like Engineering, Medicine and Computer Science among others – on Government and Private Sponsorship.
The School provides a conducive, dust free learning environment away from the City’s hustle and bustle. Overlooking lake Victoria and its beautiful scenery is the school’s towering main building.
The School has become of age, having attained 28 years of existence on the Ugandan Education scene. In terms of of Crested’s achievements & impact on Education in Uganda & East African region, this goes beyond the expectations of a 28 years old institution.
Crested has built a culture of an all-round resposnible teaching & mentorship of students, enforcement of the necessary Discipline for present & future, the go an extra mile.
By 2012, Crested was ranked 19th top best A Level performing school in the whole country, and this no mean achievement. Every year, Over 95% of the A Level Leavers , join universities, and as such Crested became